
A learning centre is also known as an activity centre.  Some of these are permanent (ie: reading corner), while others can be temporary and based on student interest (ie: boats in a water table).  Materials should be chosen based on the children’s developmental needs, as well as the potential for exploring and learning.  Open-ended materials are advised.  Centres should be well defined, organized, have an easy access to materials and allow for children to be involved independently within them. 

In Kindergarten, a classroom is organized around the learning centres.  The centres are how we provide a developmentally appropriate learning environment for our students.  They contribute to the development of oral language, social skills, learning, physical skills and inquiry.  They are places where children can explore, revisit, create, recreate based on pas experiences and build their knowledge.

Some examples of common learning centres in a Kindergarten room are a dramatic play centre, a sand table, a water table, a discovery table/centre, an open art centre, and centres for literacy and mathematics.

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