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Government of Ontario

Funding provided by the Government of Ontario.

emotional development


I was introduced to this great Canadian Website called CSRI-Canadian Self-Regulation Initiative.  It is sponsored by the governments of Ontario, BC, and the Yukon.

There are a variety of articles, Webinars, videos, and resources around self-regulation and health.  I have highlighted a few items that are very applicable for the Kindergarten Classroom.

PDF download, on a Self-Regulation Booklet by Stuart Shanker

There is agrowing interest, and debate, about the ways in which our development, our brains, our behaviour and our attitudes are connected. Importantly self-regulation has been identified as a key factor in wellbeing, learning and development. Dr Stuart Shanker provides us with a discussion of his research in this area and the implications this has for supporting the development of children in general and the applications to learning environments.”

A webinar on self-regulation – “From Rules to Relationships – Exploring the Connection Between Classroom Practice and Self-Regulation”.  This features an ECE and Teacher from Kenora in NorthWestern Ontario.


This is a great article from the Primarily Play Resource distributed by ETFO for K-3.

The article discusses some great points about neuroscience and how the brain needs to be “worked” and norished so that the brain can function later in life.  Experience changes to brain.  So, a teacher planning my classroom; assessments, centres, inquiry ideas we want to provoke thinking, plan robust questions, and meet the needs of each learning in our classroom.  Learning in play is very social and is often far from a quiet place.  Purposefully conversations about what the children are doing and learning; “hum of creativity and friendship is a sign of a happy learning environment” (p.3)

Some provoking questions to reflect on;

-Are there engaging opportunities for children to explore?  Are they changed often?

-Are there areas for children to display there work?  Is there a place to display the conversations and pictures (documentation board)? How do we celebrate learning?

When we see an area of development that is not being met, what do we do?

-Is the environment a safe place for children to learn without judgement?

-Are there strategies possibly around self-regulation that are implemented in the classroom?

-Are there resources (books), a character program (Social Justice Begins with Me) that can address and promote self-confidence, and promote positives?

An overall thought when looking at the whole classroom environment and the children we teach:

How does the classroom value the whole child–developmentally and socially?

TO PLAY IS TO LEARN……have a read and see if you could change one thing to support student learning.