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Government of Ontario

Funding provided by the Government of Ontario.

 Our Inquiry on Growth and Change integrated the discovery of Butterflies.  

We created OWL (KLW) chart to see what the children already knew and had previously observed about butterflies. 

We started asking questions about butterflies and observed the caterpillars in their jars and later they began forming their chrysalises.  It was a great time to review questioning and how to formulate one.  Once we discussed and read about butterflies the children began to develop deeper questions.  For example; I wonder if butterflies can fly? to questions like… I wonder how they know when their enemies are coming?  We also reviewed diagrams and how to label parts.

 We created a chart to record how long it takes (passage of time) for the butterflies to change; from caterpillar to chrysalis, and chrysalis to butterfly. Some did not change all at the same time, and we compared our observations of change to what had been noted in videos and readings.


                                                                                                                                                     Students documented their observations in their journals. 

We created an “I wonder” binder for the centre where children freely recorded their questions.  

The children, along side the educators researched our questions through books, internet, and through short YouTube videos.

At the craft centre, children had the option to show their learning through recreating the life cycle with natural materials found outside to represent the different stages–real leaves, sticks, tree seeds for caterpillar bodies!

In the end, the children communicated to us their new learning through a written response and oral discussion.  We released the butterflies at the 3 week period and we read an aboriginal legend about whispering a wish when you release the butterfly.

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